Shiftup Find the Why with Jobs-to-Be-Done I have a new Job-to-Be-Done Canvas for you. There are several other JTBD templates on the interwebs, but this one is better. 😇 Let me tell you why. The Segway Experience… October 7, 2021 By Jurgen Appelo
Shiftup unFIX – The Versatile Organization Model It is time for an alternative to SAFe, LeSS, Holacracy, Management 3.0, the Spotify model, and matrix organizations. We need something that takes flexibility to a new level, and that embraces… September 23, 2021 By Jurgen Appelo
Shiftup flOwKRs – Objectives and Key Results in Flow It’s not easy to stay focused. I’m supposed to be working on my new workshops, but I find myself distracted by the long-awaited releases of the new ABBA album, the DUNE… September 7, 2021 By Jurgen Appelo
Shiftup IDE – a Model for Innovative Experiences What makes or breaks a customer experience? How can you create an employee experience? And what can stakeholder management learn from game design? With the model in this article, designers and… September 2, 2021 By Jurgen Appelo
Shiftup The 25 Drives Grid What motivates your customers to use your product? What drives your employees to embrace your ideas? Which human needs and desires can we trigger when we want people to do something… August 18, 2021 By Jurgen Appelo
Shiftup The Behavior Change Dynamo I will run 2,500 kilometers this year. I’m developing a new workshop. And I’m writing a novel. What about you? What are your ambitions? Do you want to be an excellent… August 3, 2021 By Jurgen Appelo